How to travel from warri to ozoro step by step

For those who are planning to travel to ozoro for the very first time we have listed How to travel from warri to ozoro step by step on this article.

Nice having you here on how to travel from warri to ozoro step by step article. 

informationhood concluded that you might be looking for how to travel from warri to ozoro.

Ozoro is located in Isoko North Lga, Delta state of Nigeria, it has the only polytechnic in Delta state.
In this article we will show you step by step direction on how to travel from warri to ozoro.

How to travel from warri to ozoro step by step

warri to ozoro

This post presume you are in warri and you wanted to travel to ozoro.

Step 1. Go to park that transport warri to Ughelli, we recommend Aduvie transportaion or Delta state bus know as Udiaghan, but you can also use others, it is possible to get ughelli motors from ‘Round About’ or ‘Pti’ if you will be comfortable with a car that carries 4 people on back seat and two in front.

book your ughelli ticket at the park and get ready for your journey, in the next 40 minutes or 1 hour you should be in ughelli, tell the drive to drop you at Uduaghan park in ughelli.

Step 2. Crose to the other side where Uduaghan park is, enter inside and book your ticket to ozoro. at this point we are sure you know where you are going to drop in ozoro, or if you don’t know ozoro very well and don’t want to disburb driver; then just wait till you get to their park.

You see how easy it is travelling from warri to ozoro? If you are outside warri such as Benin and other nearby areas, then you will first travel to warri, from warri to ughelli and from ughelli to ozoro. Follow the steps above and you will be in ozoro latest 2-3 hours.

This article was writing for the purpose of students who are searching on how to find their way to ozoro.

How much is from warri to ozoro?

From warri to ughelli: N350
From Ughelli to Ozoro: N350
Total = N700

From warri to Ozoro cost N500 Naira only.

According to a source who travel to Ozoro recently in 2018, he reported that the transport cost has increased from N700 to N1,000 however we haven’t confirm the recently price but be sure to have enough money for transport at least N1200.

What do you think?

Written by InformationHood

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  1. I came from ozoro yesterday, the price listed here was old price, currently now from warri to ozoro, or from ozoro to warri cost #700 pls update ur list

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