Complete information about the owner of 08065550510

Complete information about the owner of 08065550510

The owner of this number 08065550510 also owned 08099322324. For the sake of our readers we try sorting out the real traders from the scammers, that is the reason for existences of this website informationhood. We review individuals trader and consult manual confirmation to weed out the scammer for the real traders for our readers. For this reason any trader confirmed legitimate by informationhood has undergoes our manual review and be confirmed worthy of doing business with.

We have recently confirmed the owner of this number 08065550510 a trust worth trader. The owner is a UK laptops trader whom him and his business reside in lagos. His name is Oluchi Ezekwe he also owned 08099322324.

He owned Warehouse in 630 ladipo, and 03/09 Nigerian Army Shopping Arena Oshodi where he sell Uk used laptops. We have manually verified this trader without his notice, we purchased a laptop from him which work very well without any issue. We also learned he give 6 months warranty which means a buyer can return a laptops if not doing according to your expectation. Again His laptops are very affordable, because he sell at wholesale price even to end users. You can get a laptop sold at N30,000 for as low as N15,000 in his warehouse. He is one of the top Uk laptops wholesale warehouse in Nigeria.

Oluchi is someone very humble, polite in speech and good manners of attending to customers. He is a trader who do all in pleasing his customers, his business name in “shopin verse” he has a business website where buyers can place orders online.

Conclusion: Oluchi Ezekwe is legitimate, we find no fault in him or his business. For this reasons Oluchi Ezekwe the CEO of shoppin verse is worthy dealing with. You are safe doing business with him. He has won the trust of informationhood with his genuineness.

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  1. Yesh i agreed. Oluch is a very nice guy, i am a retailer in delta and i purchase only from oluchi warehouse. i am in delta and i always count on him, but i think oluchi should try and imploy delivery service and also open a branch here in delta or benin to ease his deltan’s customers the stress and transport going to lagos before getting laptops. This is a nice idea oluchi because there is no computer warehouse here.

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