Road Traveling transportation Fees/Charges in Nigeria

This article contain road transportation fees in Nigeria. This information is to help travellers make proper arrangement knowing the cost of their transportation before they head on their journey.

This information covers some Nigeria cities to cities and state to state transportation charges. You can also by of contribution to this information by sending us the idea of location transportation service you are aware of.

Road Traveling transportation Fees/Charges in Nigeria

Check your your choice location below.

Within Lagos State

Transportation Fee From – Agege to Ikeja Computer Village

Bus from Agege Pecinima to Ikeja Under Bridge is N50 Naira

How Much Is Transportation Fee From – Lekki To Ikeja

The maximum amount you will spend for transport from Lekki to Ikeja is #500

Cost of Transportation From – Ikeja to Mowe Ogun

Commercial bus from lagos to Mowe Ogun State cost #350 Naira

Cost of Transportation From – Oshodi to Agege

Private commercial bus Danfo charges #150 from Oshodi to Age. While BRT charges #70 Naira from Oshodi Under bridge to Agege pencinima. To get BRT bus at Oshodi, you must go to Oshodi under bridge.

Cost of Transportation from – Sango Ota to Agege

From Sango Ota to agege is #250 Naira

How Much is transportaion from – Ikeja to Fadeyi or Fadeyi to Ikeja

Cost of transporting from fadeyi to Ikeja is #170 Naira

Transportion cost of Ojodu Berger to Ikeja

Transportation from Ojodu berger to ikeja cost #100 Naira.

Transportation cost of Berger to Agege or Agege to Berger

Transportation cost of agege to berger or berger to agege is #100 Naira

Transportation cost of Ojota to Ikeja

Transport from Ojota to Ikeja is #100

Transport cost from Oshodi to mile 2 

From Oshodi to mile 2 is #150 Naira. You can get mile 2 bus in Bolade Bus Stop Oshodi

Cost of transportation of Agege to Iyanoba 

In pencinima Agege you can get a straight bus to Iyanoba for 250 – 300 Naira

Cost of transportation of Pencinima Agege to Abattoir Market

In Pencinima Agege you can get a bus or kekenape to Abattoir Market, cost #50 Naira

Cost of transportation of Oshodi to Iyana-Ipaja

In Oshodi under bridge or Bolade bus stop you can get a direct bus to Iyana-Ipaja, cost #150 Naira

How mush is transportation cost of Iyanoba to Agbara?

In Iyanoba you can get a direct bus to Agba bus stop, from Iyanoba to Agbara bus stop cost #100 Naira

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Written by Mike

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